An Expert Guide On How To Deal PCOS

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a common condition among females in which certain hormones are out of balance. These imbalances frequently manifest as irregular menstruation periods, an increase in the body's amount of androgens (a type of hormon
e that includes testosterone), and small ovarian cysts. PCOS can result in excessive body and facial hair, acne, and mood swings.

In this article, Dr. Monika Chahar, one of the best Skin Doctors in Dwarka at Skin Décor Clinic, discusses PCOS in detail. Keep reading to learn more.

What is PCOS and How Does it Affect Females?

PCOS affects women's ovaries, the reproductive organs that generate the progesterone and estrogen hormones and which help to regulate the menstrual cycle, as well as small amounts of the hormones inhibin, relaxin, and androgens, which are mostly produced in males.

Hormones play a major role in regulating women's reproductive processes. The development of androgen, or male hormones, is notably impacted by polycystic ovarian syndrome, which affects women's hormone levels. The ovaries may not be routinely producing eggs if one experiences an imbalance that causes irregular periods. It’s a common misconception that having PCOS makes females more likely to develop cysts, however, this is incorrect (varies from patient to patient). The follicles are immature sacs that normally contain eggs, but in women with PCOS, these sacs are unable to release the egg, which prevents menstruation.

What Causes PCOS?

PCOS is caused by a range of factors. One of the primary reasons for the condition is genetics. A woman's likelihood of experiencing PCOS increases by 20 to 40% if she has a first-degree relative who has the condition, compared to a much lower rate in the general population. Another factor is a hormonal imbalance in women known as luteinizing hormone (LH), which can cause the ovary to secrete more male sex hormones than usual (androgens).

What are the Common Signs and Symptoms of PCOS?

Generally, the initial PCOS symptoms and signs arise with the first menstrual cycle during puberty. PCOS may also appear later as a result of gaining severe weight.

PCOS can manifest in a number of ways. Some of the symptoms are as below: 

  • Higher amounts of androgen: Excess male sex hormones can lead to manifestations such as excessive facial hair. 

  • Irregular Menstrual Cycle:  Due to the abnormality in the maturation of the egg, one can experience irregular periods or a delayed menstrual cycle.

  • One can face difficulty in conceiving as a result of irregular, delayed, or failed ovulation. Ovulation may be delayed or unsuccessful due to the body's hormonal imbalance, which prevents the follicles from maturing and releasing the egg. This has a significant impact on the menstrual cycle. Nowadays, many women are diagnosed with PCOS when they consult a doctor regarding their unsuccessful attempts to conceive. 

  • Hair loss or thinning of hair. This also occurs due to the increased production of male hormones in the body.

  • PCOS also leads to weight gain and excessive acne on the skin.

Experiencing any of the above symptoms? Book a consultation with Dr. Monika Chahar at Skin Décor Clinic to get the best PCOS Treatment in Dwarka. She is an expert in PCOS treatment and has helped many females to achieve an improved quality of life with her treatments.

How is PCOS Diagnosed?

During the consultation, the doctor may ask about the medical history, menstrual cycles, lifestyle habits, diet, and weight changes. The doctor will perform a physical exam to see if there are any observable signs of PCOS, such as increased hair growth or acne.

The other detailed tests include the following:

• A pelvic exam to detect any changes or abnormalities in the reproductive organs by hand and visually.

• A blood test to check hormone levels and rule out other illnesses that could be causing PCOS. The doctor might also order tests for blood sugar, cholesterol, triglycerides, and glucose (in) tolerance.

Ultrasound: Sound waves from a transvaginal ultrasound are transmitted to a screen. With this, the doctor can then see the condition of the uterus and ovaries. 

The diagnosis of PCOS cannot be made with a specific test. However, depending on the symptoms and the test, it can be diagnosed.

How is PCOS Treated at Skin Décor?

At Skin Décor Clinic, the doctors recommend the following treatment:

  • Making lifestyle changes by incorporating a healthy diet and regular exercise schedule.

  • Met-formin drugs are advised to those individuals with insulin resistance who are facing difficulty in losing weight.

  • To reduce the chances of future complications such as diabetes and cardiovascular problems, an early intervention and correct diagnosis is essential.

  • One can also be given combined contraceptive pills if the patient is not planning for a baby. For ovulation induction, clomiphene citrate is suggested.

  • For the majority of people who experience excessive hair growth as a result of PCOS, laser hair removal is an efficient treatment and the best option. The number of sessions is comparatively more than that of an average patient, and the dermatologist can advise in a better way on that. 

  • Acne and hair loss can be managed effectively with treatment. 

What is the Role of a Diet to Help PCOS?

PCOS patients tend to gain severe weight. They should avoid having carbohydrates as they do not respond well to that. The doctors also make specific changes in the diet of a PCOS patient. They are asked to restrict the consumption of food with a high glycemic index like white bread, white rice, and pasta. These patients should have low glycemic index food such as brown rice, green leafy vegetables, nuts, etc, and avoid refined sugar.

Final Takeaway

Despite the fact that polycystic ovary syndrome is widespread in females, this does not mean that it should be disregarded or that one shouldn't seek medical attention if one suffers any symptoms. On the contrary, if PCOS is detected and diagnosed timely, it is possible that one will prevent most of its symptoms. PCOS treatment helps to manage concerns such as infertility, acne, hirsutism, obesity, etc. Also, the doctor suggests lifestyle changes and medications. 

For more information about PCOS, book an appointment with Dr. Monika Chahar at Skin Décor, the Best Skin Clinic in Dwarka. With lifestyle changes and a healthy diet, she can easily help one overcome PCOS symptoms. 

For more information about the condition, pay a visit to Skin Decor Clinic today! 


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